About the Guild
Founded in 1980 the Oxford Guild of Tour Guides is the professional association of qualified Blue and Green Badge tour guides accredited by the the ITG, the Institute of Tourist Guiding. Our qualified guides are ready to show you the sights, tell you the stories and share the secrets of the city, its thousand-year-old university, and the characters - real and imaginary.
We will help you to plan your visit, offer you a unique insight into the architecture, traditions and of course the best places to eat, drink and stay.
The general University and City tour is the most popular for first time visitors. Giving a unique insight into the University and even older historic city. But for some a specialist tour might appeal, following in the footsteps of Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland; or Inspector Morse, Lewis and Endeavour.
Oxford is also an opportunity to discover the haunts of the literary giants CS Lewis, J.R.R Tolkien or learn about Oxford’s incredible scientific legacy and architecture.
Maintaining standards
The Guild provides support to its members to ensure high quality professional standards in tour guiding in Oxford City and the wider Oxfordshire area. Guild membership is your guarantee of a high-quality tour.
The Guild provides training for new guides and ongoing development for existing members. The Guild promotes and develops good relationships with a range of key partners including Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council, the University of Oxford and the Colleges of the University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes University.
To become a full member of the guild a new guide must have successfully completed the course and practical and written examinations of the Institute of Tourist Guiding (ITG) Green* Badge for Oxford.
There are currently 71 Full Members and 2 Associate Member of the Oxford Guild of Tour Guides and they include both the Blue and Green Badge Guides.
*Initially all Institute Guides qualified with a Blue Badge for a region and in older reference books you will see Oxford Guides referred to as Blue Badge Guides. However, more recently the Institute has recognised that demand in some regions was centred on cities such as Oxford and Cambridge.
To accommodate this demand for a city only guide the Institute introduced a new category of accreditation called a Green Badge. Since 2012 all new Oxford Guild members have been Green Badge Guides.
Committee Members
Current Guild Members
Susanne Addis
Vicky Bailey
Christine Bainbridge
Steve Baskerville
Jessica Baudet
Victoria Bentata
Kate Billimore
Sandra Bingham
Terry Bremble
Sean Callery
Arabella Campbell
Guy Collins
David Crosby
Monica Cunliffe
Jane Dickinson
Sophie Duncan
Laura Ess
Guy Fairbank
Hannah Field
Sara Fletcher
Christophe Forbes
Sara Fox
Marie-Alice Frappat
Lucy Gasson
Charles Graham
Jamie Graham
Leigh Guyatt
Joanna Hamilton
Bryan Hartley
Annetta Harvie
Bella Henman
Elizabeth Hudson-Evans
Aaron Hunter
Alexandra Jackson
Sally Jenkins
Erica Kendall
Alastair Lack
Ben Lawson
Felicity Lewington
Isobel Lewis
Nic Linton
Brian Lowe
Tabby Lucas
Magnus Macfarlane
Jane Mead
Ian Mitchell
David Pollack
Anne Pope
Genny Ramirez
Juan Pablo Ramos Martinez
Anne Roberts
Steve Roth
Lucy Rundle
Susannah Sallé
Shelagh Scott
Martyn Sené
Alison Smith
Helen Smith
Iain Stevenson
Caroline Symington
Edward Taylor
Verity Tiff
Isabella Underhill
William Underhill
Eva Wagner
Rob Walters
Chiya Ward
Rebecca White
Brigitte Whitehead
Peter Woodman
Jess Worth
Nuala Young
Uncover Oxford With Expert Guides
Our guides are experts in various fields, from history and architecture to literature and culture.