Jane Mead

Christ Church Accredited

Jane Mead

I love showing visitors this amazing city and bringing it alive with stories of the many individuals past & present, real & fictional, who have strolled around its streets, colleges, and quads.

I specialise in:

  • C S Lewis & J R R Tolkien’s Oxford – the places where they and their friends studied, worked and relaxed, the influences on their lives and work, and their lasting legacies
  • The Oxford of Morse, Lewis and Endeavour – walk in the footsteps of Oxford’s most famous fictional detectives
  • Oxford’s religious history – stories of monks and saints, the Reformation in Oxford, Methodism and the Oxford Movement
  • Literary Oxford
  • Children’s Stories – from Lewis Carroll to modern writers

I also enjoy adapting tours to guests’ particular interests.

Jane Mead's Tours

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